Optimal Health.
I think that is what all of us would love. To feel good, great, at our complete best, everyday.
I truly think that we can get there.
As I mentioned in a previous post, the month of July will be an exciting month for me. I will be conducting my first series of nutrition-based discussion sessions at Santosha Yoga. I hope those of you who are local will join me!
The month will be focused around Tiffany Cruikshank’s book ” Optimal Health for a vibrant life”.
The book is a “30- day program to detoxify and replenish body and mind”.
Together as a group, the participants and I will go through the 30-day program focusing on taking care of ourselves through nutrition, yoga and overall cleansing.
I am not a huge fan of extreme detox or cleanses for several reasons. The main reason is that the detox and cleanse programs like juice fasts, or fasts in general, can many times be more harmful than good if your body is not ready.
We all have toxins locked away in our bodies ( which is our bodies mechanism for keeping them at bay) and when we do an extreme cleanse, we can release them to run rampant. If our bodies are not prepared and ready for that in terms of our bodies ability to eliminate them, we can get into trouble.
That being said, this book ” Optimal Health for a vibrant life” is not a detox or cleanse in that way. The detox and cleanse portion of the book focuses on transitioning your body off of sugar, caffeine, and alcohol at the beginning, and then onto decreasing wheat and dairy.
There is a daily yoga practice for doing at home if you cannot make it to the studio, wonderful things like buying flowers for your home one week, having a day without television, and taking a fish oil supplement to name a few.
This is the type of detox and cleanse we all need!
With the summer series at Santosha, we will be meeting each week on Wednesday nights at 7pm and I will focus on a different relevant topic that pertains to optimal health. The discussion is followed by a candlelight flow yoga class at 8:15.
How wonderful is that?
My Portland friends and readers, come join me! Space is limited, so reserve your spot now!
Click here for a link to the details…
What will you do this summer to live A Vibrant Life?
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